All Applications meeting the course requirements are considered. Promising applicants will be invited to attend an “interview week” compromising a week-long (5-day) visit to the school during the spring or summer term. During this time applicants observe classes, teachers and the school in action and attend course sessions such as Painting, Blackboard Drawing, Speech, Music, Study of the pedagogical lectures and Curriculum Studies with current students before being interviewed.
This visit provides a basis for course leaders and tutors to make informed decisions regarding offers of places and for applicants to understand the commitment required in undertaking the two-year programme.
It is not compulsory for applicants to have had previous experience of or in a Steiner Waldorf School. However, it is essential that promising applicants experience Steiner Waldorf Education in action in a school before they are interviewed and accepted onto the course. Some previous first-hand experience will make any initial application stronger but we recognise that for various reasons some very able and promising students will not have had the sort of experience that, for example, a parent of a child attending a Steiner Waldorf school may have had.
References will be taken up following interview and applicants will be informed in writing of the outcome of the interview process and if offered a place on the course, will be expected to confirm their acceptance within seven days.
Education is not filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. – William Butler Yeats